Medical Specialties
With 15+ Editions of our WhiteCoat Clipboards. These editions are specialized for specific areas of medicine! Checkout the options below.
Primary Care Edition
This edition focus on those working in primary care roles specifically clinicians, nurses, CNA's, and other allied medical fields. Medical references feature details on EKGs, strength testing, CVA effects, blood pressure guidelines, commonly used antibiotics, A1C averages, BMI and more!
Pediatric Edition
This full size folding clipboard features detailed information on both pediatric and infant medical references ranging from APGAR scores to guidelines for starting phototherapy. See this clipboards full attributes here!
Pharmacy Edition
WhiteCoat Clipboard Pharmacy Edition offers pharmacy students and pharmacists with information on normal lab values, target serum drug concentrations, vancomycin and amino-glycoside dosing, and helpful equations! Check out the full details by clicking below.
EMT Edition
Our Emergency Medicine Technician edition references the most daily used information by EMTs around the world. Quick references on rules of nines, sepsis, AV blocks, glasgow coma scale and more!
Dietitian Edition
Store all your nutritional calculations inside our one of a kind WhiteCoat Clipboard. This Dietitian edition features details on tube feedings, oral dietary supplements, malnutrition severity scoring, BMI, and amputee adjustments!
Anesthesia Edition
This HIPAA complaint folding medical clipboard references detailed information on intubation medications, acid-base equations, daily fluid requirements, pediatric intubation guidelines, pressor chart and much more!
Veterinary Medicine
Used by veterinary clinics and hospitals this WhiteCoat Clipboard contains quick references for staff on emergency drugs, vaccinations, acid base, EKG abnormalities, murmurs, IV fluids and more seen in dogs and cats.
Neonatal Edition
Our neonatal WhiteCoat Clipboard® is packed full of vital medical information on newborn feedings and nutritional needs. Used by hospital and NICU staff to have easy to ready guidelines and fluid requirements.

Cardiology Edition
Carry patient assessment forms, telemetry logs, EKGs, medication lists, and all your documents in a HIPAA compliant secure clipboard. Use the included reference label to evaluate EKGs, cardiac parameters, murmurs, AV blocks, the criteria for heart failure, cardiac enzymes, anterior cardiac structures and much more.
Respiratory Edition
Great for any RT or RT student! Carry this lightweight WhiteCoat Clipboard for day to day information such as spirometry assessment with COPD criteria, acid base determination and expect compensation, ventilator weaning and RSBI, oxygen systems and flow rates and more!
Occupational Therapy
This full size OT clipboard has quick references on developmental milestones, a list of occupations, a guide to documentation, pain scale and more. Keep all your patient documents secure and HIPAA complaint all while on the go!
Physical Therapy Edition
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Dental Edition
Ideal clipboard for the dental community! This clipboard references anatomical locations of daily referenced teeth. Great for a visual aid when explaining procedures with your patients. Perfect for hygienist and dentist alike!

Chemistry Edition
This clipboard is perfect for anyone working in a laboratory environment. This clipboard features the periodic table of elements along with helpful equations, conversions factors, physical constants and more! Check out this one-of-a-kind clipboard today!

Care & Communication Edition
Our latest WhiteCoat Clipboard contains easy to read charts and table for patients, clients or students that need help communicating. These pictograms allow patients to convey wants, feelings, requests by simply pointing! Contains images for religious identity, pain chart, sensation and more!
Looking to Clipboard Accessories ?
We offer a variety of clipboard attachments and accessories to keep you organized!